
248 584 3300 T

248 584 3303 F

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A brand fit for man’s best friend.

Brand + Form

Zoyes | Barkside

Barkside, Detroit’s newest dog park, bar, & eatery, is a vibrant social spot where locals can bring their furry friends to unleash and unwind. Zoyes developed a brand system that reflects the fun, vibrant spirit of this tail-wagging watering bowl, and positions Barkside as a must-visit destination for people and pups alike.

The Barkside brand embodies the project’s bubbly spirit through its use of quirky typography, charming illustrations, and a friendly, easygoing tone of voice. Simply put, it’s fun doggone it!

  • Research + Discovery
  • Naming
  • Brand Development
Zoyes | Barkside

Your Local "Watering Bowl"

As the first of its kind in Detroit, Barkside was in need of a messaging and communication platform that would help its audience understand exactly what it offers – for both human and canine patrons alike. Zoyes helped the client develop clear cut messaging that defines Barkside’s offerings without losing the playful, engaging tone that makes the brand unique.

Zoyes | Barkside Zoyes | Barkside

A Doggone Good Time

The Barkside brand comes to life through its fun, graphic elements, bold color palette, and bubbly typography – providing consistent and engaging touchpoints across the board. From merch and pet accessories to signage and packaging, Barkside’s personality can be felt from the moment you step foot (or paw) inside.

Zoyes | Barkside Zoyes | Barkside